Sorry I confuse you with silly things like the truth.  You should actually
try READING the site I linked and you'd see why Apple rejects.  Do you ever
tire of ignoring half the facts?

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 1:59 PM, tjpa <> wrote:

> On Nov 28, 2009, at 2:13 PM, mike wrote:
>> Sometimes the point isn't that the line is long, it's that Apple gives
>> developers tools to use, and the developer spends months using that tool
>> and
>> gets rejected for using the tool.
> They also give developers a long list of silly rules, like do not use
> undocumented APIs, and don't have your app phone home with all the user's
> personal data, etc.
> Consider the alternative. If Apple did not have such rules you could have a
> situation like Facebook and MySpace:
> "Last weekend I wrote about how the big social gaming companies are making
> hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue on Facebook and MySpace through
> games like Farmville and Mobsters. Major media can't stop applauding the
> companies long enough to understand what's really going on with these games.
> The real story isn't the business success of these startups. It's the
> completely unethical way that they are going about achieving that success."
> "The reason why I call this an ecosystem is that it's a self-reinforcing
> downward cycle. Users are tricked into these lead gen scams. The games get
> paid, and they plow that money back into Facebook and MySpace in
> advertising, getting more users. Who are then monetized via lead gen scams.
> That money is then plowed back into Facebook and MySpace in advertising to
> get more users."
> But I guess you and Stewart would just call this the "American way." You
> are condemning Apple for taking the trouble to run an ethical business. Bad,
> bad Apple.
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