On Nov 28, 2009, at 11:57 AM, mike wrote:
A website that gathers and lists the reasons why apps are rejected from the iPhone store. The rejection reasons are like reading a laundry list of bad

I bet you got that from Fox News too.

This is a help site for app developers to share information about getting their apps approved. They are not anti-Apple. They are working out ways to work better with Apple.

The problem is that Apple is drowning in app submittals, they say they get 10,000 a week.
I'm sure stats like that make our WFBs see red.

The approval process has become highly regimented and automated and it is inevitable that there will be bad calls. The site helps developers share information about how to resubmit apps in ways that avoid problems.

One apprejections poster notes "Alot of apps gets rejected from android also, no big difference there."

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