Yah didn't you know monsanto has been GM food for thousands of years.  They
have laboratories that date back to the ice age.

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 11:04 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Nov 28, 2009, at 8:06 PM, Adil Godrej wrote:
>> A person living on Rs 2/day (about 4 cents) in India typically has one
>> meal of rice every two days. No matter how ethical he is, he "cannot afford
>> to be ethical" in those circumstances. Telling him that it is unethical to
>> eat genetically-modified rice, even if that is all he can get, is a sure way
>> to let him die. Yet, there are people who'd rather that such poor people die
>> than allow GM rice to be available. These that the flag-wavers I was talking
>> about. Should I be on the side of such flag wavers? In your words, "hell
>> no". Let there be enough food so that there is no need to grow GM foods,
>> then talk about getting the GM stuff out of the food supply. This requires
>> sufficient income for people so that they have a choice. Would it surprise
>> you to know that the poor often have equally good ethics as those who are
>> better off?
> Here the relevant issue is who is being unethical? The starving person is
> certainly making an ethical decision to reject suicide. The problem is with
> the people who are falsely claiming that there is something wrong with GM.
> They conveniently neglect to acknowledge that humans have been genetically
> modifying plants and animals for 1000s of years. Everything we eat is GM and
> has been for a very long time.
> On Nov 28, 2009, at 8:06 PM, Adil Godrej wrote:
>> I hope you now understand what I meant when I said "cannot afford to be
>> ethical". It was shorthand for those in such dire straights that they have
>> no time for ethics.
> This is where we part. I don't see any situation where one "cannot afford
> to be ethical". If that were truly the case then the starving person you
> described would simply kill their neighbor and eat them. Problem solved.
> Have you observed this to be the case? I suspect that the starving person is
> possibly the most ethical of individuals. They are starving because they
> reject the unethical alternatives.
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