What I hear from friends closer to Apple than I am is that FW is alive and well, but that general consumers don't care whether it's there or not. The MacBook Pro and desktop Macs all have FireWire. If it were eliminated from future iMacs or Mac Minis, I'd be forced to get a Mac Pro, or figure out a hack. My MacBook will be replaced with a MacBook Pro.

FireWire is far superior to USB and eSATA, but if you don't know about it or don't have FW peripherals or video cameras, you won't demand the best and will be stuck with the usual L.C.D. if Apple decides to discontinue FW in the future.

Hard drive: I've been looking for a 2.5" bare drive for the past few weeks after installing VirtualBox and Windows and not having much room left for anything else. There's a Seagate 2.5" FreeAgent Go enclosure at OtherWorld for $12.99 that I was planning to use. Comes Black Friday, I found the WD My Passport drive for $70; I can put the 500GB drive in my MacBook and put the old drive in the enclosure, saving around $50, assuming all will go well. FWIW, I've done this before with other drives, so it should work, if I open the enclosure carefully.

Jordan is this just a rumor or is Apple really phasing FW off it's whole
line?  I'm assuming if they are it's because of esata and USB 3?

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Jordan <jor17...@gmail.com> wrote:

You have given good advice about drives here before so I'm not sure what
any of us can offer.

I like to shop and buy from OWC, or at least look there and then compare
prices. I've always bought Hitachi, and have never had a drive problem, and
been leaning toward the 7200rpm drives, for whatever tiny advantage.
So far I've always gotten enclosures with USB and Firewire and generally
use Firewire for speed and reliability. It's sad that Apple is phasing out

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