Mike suggested I use a Mac. Forget the Mac. I can't afford the s/w, if you
read between the lines what I'm saying here.

Tony B asks what kind of video I'm editing. I'll be buying a high-end video
cam (probably a Canon XM2) to shoot for Web sites.

db (database?) recommended I google, always an excellent suggestion, and I
discovered it appears to be more a matter of memory (which is obvious) and
of having a firewire, as Tony B also recommended.

Betty asked if I'll be doing animation. Probably not, but I will build with
that in mind. I will definitely offer animation to my clients; however, by
then, I almost certainly will be back in a position to outsource overseas.
She also recommends a Mac. My concern, however, once again, is the matter of
buying expensive s/w (sorry) when I can get around that if I get a PC.
Again, once I'm up on my feet, I will be jobbing this out overseas.
Furthermore, from a practical perspective, I would be able to pick up the PC
in question at a very good price. I'm presently in the unenviable position
of having just returned penniless from a 3rd world country where I went
broke and needing to get up on my feet ASAP. I've been borrowing people's
PCs to do my work while I do that and hit several unexpected snags that have
way-laid me, setting me even further behind the 8-ball. All temporary stuff.
Once I can get a couple of Flash sites half-way built (and I'm learning AS3
on top of the other aforementioned problems), then I can sign up more
clients, get my video cam, and within a short while be making tons of money
like I did last time I lived here in the Virgin Islands.

Mike again chimes in, stating that I should not build a PC unless I know
what I'm doing. I've toyed around enough with computers to feel comfortable
doing this (replacing motherboards, etc.) I'm a programmer, not new to the
world of computers, although I wouldn't say I'm a hardware expert by any

I look forward to your other suggestions!

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