On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Tony B <ton...@gmail.com> wrote:

Regarding everyone's recommendation for iMac...no. That's nice I can buy
cheap s/w to edit video. What about my Adobe Suite for Windoze? Can I get
the suite for $200? No. I have other s/w as well. It's not just a matter of
editing video.

If you can afford it, get the Sony Z5, but for $2000 you may have to
> drop down to the Sony HD1000. Both are HDV, meaning they use the old
> standard miniDV tapes. But really, just for web video I think you
> should start with one of the cheaper cameras I mentioned earlier.

I'll see if I can get the Z5. I have a client that buys/sells LOTS of video
equipment, and he owes me one.

> PS If you get into editing video, start with Sony's Vegas. Rock solid
> on any cheap PC, and virtually no learning curve.
> http://amzn.com/B001CPHTAQ


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