Right click on the app in the dock and choose "open at login".

On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Reid Katan <ka...@his.com> wrote:

> Is there any way--I'm sure there is--to automatically start a program at
> boot time in OSX? I've found my desktop clock solution for X.5*, and I'd
> like to have it start up at boot time.
> Also (I don't remember if I asked this already), is there a way to assign
> keyboard short cuts to start programs? Yeah, I know there's the Dock, but
> for me it's easier to poke out a few key strokes than it is to reach for the
> mouse, figure out where the cursor is on the screen, scroll it into position
> and aim. Especially if I'm using a track pad.
> Thanks.
> *SimpleFloatingClock <
> http://www.splook.com/Software/Simple_Floating_Clock.html>
> It has the usual features. You can change the opacity, add date, day of the
> week, make it digital or analog, 12 or 24 hour, you can add an additional
> time zone (a dot on the face that shows the hour of another time zone).
> Oops. I see a "Launch at Login" item on the right-click-menu (but I'd still
> like to know about programs start at boot).
> Probably the best feature though, is "Pass Clicks Through" so you can leave
> it on top of everything and still be able to click on the *useful* stuff
> behind it. It adds a clock icon to the menu bar that you click on to be able
> to access the clock itself.
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