It is in realty loosing your data to a data aggregator. gets data in from every classmate that registers and then aggregates that date for everyone to see.

They are a for profit company wanting you to register and pay them money for all this stuff to be seen.

The cloud is more accurately something like drop box, carbonite etc type places where you are storing your personnel data off site with a cloud (Remote) storage vendor.

Classmates has always been a for profit entity that wants you to register and use them tor each classmates from schools.

I wonder what would happen if all of the sudden Face book started charging for storage of all those neat and nifty photos?


At 11:10 AM 12/9/2009, you wrote:
This is a very misleading subject line, as we have no evidence or
indication that this data was stored in a cloud. Thus we also have no
evidence it was a failure of cloud storage that caused information

I just worry a couple of the luddites on the list will actually
reference this event in the future. "Remember that poor lady that lost
her entire account to a cloud?".

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