Faulty logic...we all know how to drive cars because we want to go places.
Not because they are all the same.  By this logic everyone should know how
to change the oil or a tire...but they don't.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 12:46 PM, db <db...@att.net> wrote:

> Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:
>> I think most kids will learn how to use both - at home and with friends,
>> not so important at school anymore.  More important at school is
>> learning how, why they work.  For too many people, computers are magic,
>> like cars.  Therefore, when something behaves incorrectly, they have no
>> clue.
> Do you know how to fix your car, the light switch in your house, how to do
> therapy on your knee, make your own jewelry or wall art, grow your own
> vegetables, raise your own chickens, file your own taxes, represent yourself
> in court?
> But everyone knows how to drive a car.   Why?  Because the controls ...
> except for Minis ... are all essentially the same design that time and need
> showed were more or less the most effective.
> As should be with the world's long running stupid "shoot ourselves in the
> foot" "Win vs. Mac's are better" contest.
> The modern world is way to specialized for everyone to be an expert of
> their universe ... a Renaissance Man.
> Specialization requires specialists ... and that makes "magic" for the rest
> of us. You just get to choose your specialty and your magic.
> db
>  Thank you, Mark Snyder -----Original Message-----
>> I suspect this is like anything..why can't they learn both?  There are
>> larger problems with our eduction system than which OS to learn.  I'd
>> much
>> rather have them at a very young age begin to learn other languages, a
>> more
>> broadly based education in general will help them in many areas.
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