At 10:31 AM 1/1/2010, you wrote:

Example: we finally got my mother to buy a small cellphone for which
you buy service with little phone cards, because we didn't want her
to get stranded on the road somewhere, far from help.  She keeps it
turned off, most of the time.  She's not a Luddite; she loves email
and took to OS X with an alacrity that surprised us.  But to her, the
telephone is a LANDLINE in her house.  She would be very DISPLEASED
with any proposal that meant that she had to carry a little phone-- with a tiny, hard-to read keyboard--around with her all the time and
pay a lot more for the resulting phone service.  And where she lives,
the cell coverage is very spotty, whereas landline service is pretty
much universal, even in hard-to-reach areas.

This pretty much describes my cell phone use also. I live in a mountainous area, and when you live in a valley, there's no service--regardless of how many towers they put up! My service at the house is iffy, even though I can see 2 towers out my window. This is why we've had extensive use of cable TV in this area for at least 40 years.

Even though I rarely use the cell, I need to charge it occasionally. I'll plug it in and forget to put it back in my purse. Either that or I forget to charge it.


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