As far as I'm concerned the telcos can go away even though I have to use
one.  In my area Qwest has received tax incentives and done nothing to
either expand or improve existing tech, they have been at a standstill for
at least five years.  On the other side, Cox has not only expanded, but has
increased speed multiple times to existing customers and kept prices lower
than Qwest.  My only hope is wimax, but then you run into such problems as
packet the recent laws regarding such things expand to cell
companies doing net access?

On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 8:24 AM, John H. Davis

> Constance Warner wrote:
>> Well, if this is a "nonstory," I'll be happy.  Killing landlines would be
>> a nuisance for most of us, a real hardship for some of us, and a bonanza for
>> the phone companies.
>> But while we're at it, we might ask why the cellphone service in this
>> country mostly sucks, why you can't use iPhones with any carrier, and why
>> there are more sophisticated cellphone services (like cellphone banking) in
>> the third world, than we have here in the U.S.
> Computer Inquiry II,  Divestiture, and Equal Accesss, for starters.
> Constance....    On one hand you want the telcos to have to maintain old
> non profitable services and on the other, new innovative services that all
> work the same and have interchangeable terminal gear?
> I didn't realize that our phone service was so far behind the rest of the
> world.    Lighten up.
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