On 1/2/2010 12:46 PM, John DeCarlo wrote:
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 12:30 PM, Christopher Range<lcms0...@comcast.net>wrote:

When I am in Firefox and, I do a search on Google, when I click on one of
the links in the search, it goes to an entirely different address than, the
address shown with the link.  What could be the reason for this happening?

We don't have enough information, really, to tell you.

Here are some possibilities:

1.  You don't understand how the links are displayed in Google.

2.  The link you go to is the same one, but it redirects you to another

3.  There is some problem with your DNS.

4.  You aren't really at Google, but a phishing site.

5.  You have some malware on your system.

1. I do understand how the links on Google are displayed

2. I tried that a couple times, to see if that was a possibility. When I copied the link and tried it in IE, there was the same problem.

3. The DNS is fine.

4. I know how to get to Google. As for a phishing site, that sounds plausible.

5. I sure hope not.


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