On 1/2/2010 2:48 PM, John DeCarlo wrote:
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Christopher Range<lcms0...@comcast.net>wrote:

  The address shown with the link, after the search, is not the address that
comes up in the URL Locator, when clicking on the link.

You claimed this earlier, but provided no evidence.
Without any evidence, your answers to my questions are also suspect.

Try this Google search:

panjandrum continental

Click on the first result, described as

"a" Continental Army

And tell us where you end up.

It sent me to this link: http://free-video-dictionary.com/ads/?pid=14&section_id=437700&partner_id=0&ver=11&autoplay=1&etfp=0&etap=0&pop=1&directpop=0&sub_id=257622527&src_id=10538&q=panjandrum%20continental&cat_id= <http://free-video-dictionary.com/ads/?pid=14&section_id=437700&partner_id=0&ver=11&autoplay=1&etfp=0&etap=0&pop=1&directpop=0&sub_id=257622527&src_id=10538&q=panjandrum%20continental&cat_id=>

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