Is THAT what burst mode is good for? I read about it when I got my
camera but it seemed useless.

Agreed on the ridiculous number of people getting DSLRs these days.
This past christmas we had several more local housewives get them as
gifts, and of course none of them even know how to resize a digital
photo for posting, much less how to adjust a lens. They're trying to
start a local camera club to teach them some things, but I don't hold
out great hope.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 6:37 AM, Jeff Miles <> wrote:
>        I no longer use a SLR. And no longer being a professional I didn't buy 
> into a DSLR. Instead I have a Lumix FZ18. It has a "burst" mode which takes 
> 3-4 (don't remember which right now) shots. This works great for group 
> portraits. Oh, and the Lumix FZ18 has an 18x Leica optical zoom lens. Very 
> nice. Another reason I decided to bag going for interchangeable lenses on a 
> DSLR. I couldn't rationalize the cost on the very few instances I might need 
> something different.

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