Excellent link! It shows my Panasonic as having a .45 second shutter
lag. This is the same camera I just posted *has no shutter lag*. Why
the discrepancy?

As the article states, it's measuring "the delay between pressing the
shutter button and the camera recording the picture". It is NOT
measuring a delay between pressing the button and taking a picture!

How can I better explain this? I can take a picture with no delay. But
I must wait a second or two to take my next picture, as it takes time
to record the previous picture to memory. How long I must wait until
my light goes green depends on various factors like speed of my memory
card and resolution of the picture. The way I shoot, in maximum res,
it seems to take more like 2-5 seconds, but that's probably my

So can everyone please stop agonizing over this non-issue now?

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 9:35 PM, chad evans wyatt
<cewyattph...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Here is some concrete data.  Point & Shoots have shutter lag.  Even some 
> prosumer models have it, although greatly lower.  My first DSLR, a Nikon 
> d200, was a sliver slow, much to my surprise.
> http://www.cameras.co.uk/html/shutter-lag-comparisons.cfm

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