A good if not long article on the subject.  Some highlights.

*Neither is better on an absolute basis. The choice depends on your
application. Once you know your application the debate goes away. The debate
only exists when people presume erroneously that someone else's needs mirror
their own.*

*If and only if you're an accomplished artist who can extract every last
drop from film's quality then film, meaning large format film, technically
is better than digital in every way. Few people have the skill to work film
out to this level, thus the debate. *

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 12:23 AM, t.piwowar <> wrote:

> On Jan 25, 2010, at 12:53 AM, wrote:
>  Can't you think of anything about working with film that is of use in
>> digital photography?
> Nope. Nothing.
> I learned more about gamma after spending 30 minutes with Digital Darkroom
> than I did after spending 3 months dicking around with polycontrast filters.
> Doing it the old way is just plain stupid.
> Knowing about film defects is of zero use. Digital cameras do not attempt
> to mimic film. That is a silly notion. Film has no advantages over digital.
> Not one. Zero. You can't name any.
> Don't knock the auto setting. It produces great results 99% of the time.
> The first thing I did with my digital camera is to go out and take lots of
> pictures set at auto under terrible conditions. I was amazed at how well it
> did. If you use the camera;s scene settings to communicate your intent it
> gets even better. The latest cameras can even detect smiles and people with
> closed eyes. Don't knock auto!
> Any special effects one may have done in camera years ago are better
> accomplished by taking a good photo and them mangling it in Photoshop.
> On the other hand there are tons of things specific to digital cameras that
> a student should be learning. Why waste time on the useless when there is so
> much useful to learn?
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