On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 10:32 AM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why does it matter what someone was doing on the cell phone?   Shouldn't
> using it be enough?  Start worrying about what they were doing and suddenly
> our idiot lawmakers will make it so certain apps are exempt.

  I do not disagree.  As it currently stands, our idiot lawmakers are
already only making certain uses of cell phones illegal.  Such as
allowing you to talk as much as you want, while banning texting but
allowing you to watch videos and surf the internet.

  In Virginia, a driver can be ticketed for distracted driving, but
there is a catch.  A conviction for distracted driving can only be
obtained if the issuer of the ticket can prove to the court that the
distracted driver was also guilty of reckless driving.  Merely weaving
about on the roadway does not in and of itself meet the requirements
of recklessness.  The officer would have to convince the court that
said distracted driving was presenting an imminent threat to the life
and safety of others, going far beyond simply exhibiting a basic
inability to properly control the vehicle.  This is actually very hard
to prove and therefore results in few such tickets being issued.
Similar laws in other states vary, and Virginia is near the bottom of
the list when it comes to rules of the road the serve safety over
expediency.  Remember, this is the state infamous for the $10 fine for
texting while driving.


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