Apple has fond a marketing niche with the i format. McDonald's has
done it with the Mc format. (I read about a lawsuit recently where
they are attempting to shut down a young ladies fund raising
organization as it uses the Mc format for their name)
It makes someone identify with them whenever they hear the i moniker.
The question comes up did they do enough research about the name
before hand and did they have the right people involved. Right now
it does not seem so.
I read an article where Fuji has had an ipad for some time now, and
the English (Irish and others) are not too happy as it can be
confusing in dialects.
I know it is impossible to please 100% of the people 100% of the
time. (remember what my job is)
However I think the name could have used a lot more research than it
looks like it got.
At 01:04 PM 1/29/2010, you wrote:
Apple prefaced the names with I for internet, when most things
internet were lower-case. Internet was shiny new for many consumers
in the 1990's. They have continues with this branding.
Thank you,
Mark Snyder
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