When we had Razrs, we also bought after market batteries (a package of 5) and used them in the Razrs.

Worked very well.

I think I got 5 for about 20-25$.


At 12:54 PM 2/8/2010, you wrote:
Whatever makes you comfortable.

The lower the price, the higher the risk that the product will be unsatisfactory.

I've had good luck with third party batteries. They have all worked, and none has been returned. I haven't run any quantitative test of battery life. Charge lasts long enough for my use, which is admittedly very light.

Fred Holmes

At 01:22 PM 2/8/2010, rocky lee wrote:
>I have a cell phone battery that is gasping it's last. What do you suggest as a source for replacement? It's a motorola razr v3 (part is BR50) Through the phone's vendor web site their retail price is $41.00 >The various vendors on Amazon carry the equivalent part for $12.00 or so shipped. However, from reading the comments sections, quality control and counterfeiting are a problem. Should I take my chances and buy a couple online with a good return policy, find and price a local source, or bite the bullet and pay the vendor price?

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