Somebody hasta make the kiddie porn... some schools must have creative

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:54 PM
Subject: Creepy or what?

Parents: school used webcam to spy on our kid at home

By Jacqui Cheng | Last updated February 18, 2010 12:23 PM

School-issued laptops are becoming more and more common these days,
but thanks to the action of one high school, students and parents
might have second thoughts about bringing them home. The parents of a
Pennsylvania high school student, Blake J. Robbins, have filed a
lawsuit against his school district after discovering that school
officials had allegedly been remotely accessing the laptop in order to
take webcam photos of the students at home. There are a number of
unanswered questions about this story, but if true, it could mean
serious penalties for the Lower Merion School District.

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