We seem doomed unless we can get a benevolent dictator.

Be careful what you wish for.

I know what I'd do.  But it would be likely to piss off a lot of really
powerful people and antagonize a lot more.

I'd nationalize telecom and reconstitute the Bell System.

Then I'd mandate standards across the board for 100 mbps for
everyone regardless of where they are in the USA.  Top managers
would get 10x the top union wage, no more.  And everybody in the
system would get lifetime job guarantees and healthcare.

We'd call it the Civilian Communications Corps.

We'd mandate that it could only make a 5% ROI and that it would
pay a guaranteed 3% of that in dividends.

Any infrastructure costs would be paid by specially imposed government mandated taxes.

All children of employees would be guaranteed an Ivy League
education at no charge.

Everybody would be required to learn Chinese and French.  We
plan to export this.


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