On Feb 28, 2010, at 2:17 PM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
Why doesn't Apple Corp. develop a means of either preventing or
making it difficult for users of their computers to be able to access
or use "overtly sexual" material or applications?

Because Apple has customers around the world who aren't as sexually repressed as people in the US. It's refreshing to find that there are naturist beaches in Miami Beach and on Assateague Island, some more in California. Thank goodness for European tourists--topless sunning is here! Yet there are insane people in Colorado who censor puppets--and beach towns in the South where women can be arrested for wearing thong bikinis.

Bodies are natural. Sex is natural. The more you obsess about how normal things are perverted, the more your children will obsess. When my son was ten, we visited some friends in Zurich, and in Munich. In the Englischer Garten in Munich, people sunbathe nude--no big deal; he found some kids to play soccer instead of gawking. We went to the beach in Nice. He looked around and said, "The women aren't wearing their swimsuit tops." Then he went swimming and mostly ignored them. That prepared him five years later when traveling with his soccer team in Sweden and the girls' teams were topless in the swimming pool. His teammates gawked from their balconies, and he calmly spent the afternoon chatting and swimming with the girls, and Euro guys.

What's pornographic other than violence? If violent video games are perfectly legal, why censor the human body? You're the one who has to explain this to your children and to guide them. Then don't worry so much about them seeing nudes and sex. They'll be fine as long as you can be honest with them and explain that when sex involves violence it's bad, and when it's too casual it might cause emotional problems [or not]. What's so difficult about that?

Enjoy the scenery, http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010_swimsuit/painting/, http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009_swimsuit/painting/. Would you hide this from children?

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