Apple isn't ensnared, they are doing this themselves.  Apple is bar far the
most controlling tech company out there, controlling their customers,
controlling themselves..

That's silly. Ridiculous.

Apple doesn't control their customers. They provide products that people like, and if there's something else customers want, they can go to third parties. Or they can go into the OS and make changes themselves, like I do. Or upgrade hardware. Or use a different OS--on their Macs, or jailbreak iPhones.

The main thing that Apple controls is leaks by employees that could reveal new product ideas to competitors. Any good company does that.

Why do you think that Apple is so controlling? They don't make users' computers phone the Mother Ship to rat on users like M$ does. Does the App Store delete purchases from iPhones like Amazon did with the Kindle?

What Apple is doing with the iTunes App Store is selling what they want in their own store. If you want something else, go to Cydia.

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