I wonder if Apple will allow any more federal apps since the agreement was
gotten out of NASA with a FOA request.

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 8:31 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Mar 10, 2010, at 4:12 PM, mike wrote:
>> A short editorial from EFF about the app situation at Apple.  Someone else
>> on the list brought up Apple's new contract with developers believing this
>> would help developers..I don't think so because Apple has been telling
>> developers the rules all along, the problem is Apple keeps moving the goal
>> posts around whenever they feel like it.
> This reaction to the Apple agreement is naive. I think it was written by a
> starry-eyed idealist who has not read many contracts. Such terms are not
> unusual.
> People sign such agreements because it gives them access to a very
> lucrative opportunity to make $Millions. They see that Apple is giving away
> something of great value and not asking for that much in return.
> You are ignoring Apple's motivation. They want to keep the iPhone a safe
> place. That is not easy to do. They are insisting on strict terms because
> they want to keep the bad guys away.
> Mike would probably have opposed Wyatt Earp's bringing law and order to
> Tombstone too.
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