A bit smug, Chris.  This bites my company big-time, which has not yet
migrated from XP (about 100,000 users).  I doubt it will until sometime
in 2011.  That is when 4TB drives (3.5-inch FF) will be available;
beyond Window's BIOS addressing capability.  

It also affects Windows Server 2003.  Until M$ frees itself from its
30-year old tech standards, such as its BIOS, it will only have
work-arounds, such as READ-Modify-Write (RWM).  All that does is
increase write times and error rates.

No OS X OS has this problem, and that goes back to a similar point in

Thank you, 
Mark Snyder 
-----Original Message-----
Your sad little summary fails, oddly, to mention that the ONLY version
this affects is XP, now nearly a decade old. Vista, Server 2008, and
Win7 are all just fine. So what "failed to engineer a smooth
transition" really means is "MS failed to go back and update all
obsolete versions of Windows."

Did Apple, which "took care of this many years ago", go back and fix all
of its obsolete OSs? 

And, by the way, WD already has a complete solution to the XP "problem"
for its advanced drives. It involves running a utility one time or
setting a jumper. End of problem.

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