Just to be clear, Apple supported EFI since 2006...XP came out in 2001...the
next major update to XP which was Vista supports EFI and the larger disks.
All those still using older macs are out in the cold too...not that I think
it will affect anyone either way.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 2:34 PM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Mar 11, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:
>> Your sad little summary fails, oddly, to mention that the ONLY version
>> this affects is XP...
> False. And downright rude.
>  , now nearly a decade old. Vista, Server 2008, and Win7 are all just fine.
>> So what "failed to engineer a smooth
>> transition" really means is "MS failed to go back and update all obsolete
>> versions of Windows."
> The number of people still running XP is huge. They saw Vista and froze in
> their tracks.
>  Did Apple, which "took care of this many years ago", go back and fix all
>> of its obsolete OSs?
> Did not need to. They made the change long in advance. That is the way
> Apple traditionally works.
>  And, by the way, WD already has a complete solution to the XP "problem"
>> for its advanced drives. It involves running a utility one time or setting a
>> jumper. End of problem.
> False.
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