On 03/11/2010 10:59 PM, Reid Katan wrote:
> In this case though, I gave Steve the benefit of the doubt and followed
> his TinyURL. Nothing spammy about it. In fact, go straight to the FCC
> site: <www.broadband.gov>

if folks are really paranaoid, every tinyurl created can have the phrase
"preview" inserted in the URL like for example:


Please note the URLs above are nulls as far as I can determine.  If you
click on them, I accept no responsibility, I wouldn't, they're examples

Depending upon your browser settings with tinyurl, it will either
display what the tinyurl URL resolves to or a preview of the page in
your browser and please note it's definitely your choice on how you
configure your browser to react to tinyurl.com.

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