Except much of that money shows up in zip codes or counties that don't
exist.  No, not all of it...but a lot.

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:10 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Mar 11, 2010, at 9:40 PM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Well, okay then.  If you prefer the UNtinyurl, here it is.  I was
>> just trying to be helpful.
> I feel better getting the full URL.
> This is not a brilliant move by the FCC. It is just ordinary smartness. It
> only looks brilliant because the FCC and other agencies have been so badly
> run in the past.
> Take a look at Recovery.gov for another example of smart. You can enter
> your zip code and get a very nice map of your neighborhood that shows where
> Recovery money is being spent. There are color coded dots for different
> kinds of projects. You can click on the dots to get details on the who got
> the money, how much, an estimate of jobs created, etc. The map is even
> better than Google's.
> Government only works poorly when it is run by wing nuts who hate America.
> They put tremendous effort into making government fail to serve the people.
> In my book they are traitors and terrorists.
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