> This is a non-issue. These batteries typically last longer that the useful
> life of the product.

  Quite possibly.  What, may I ask, is the difference between the life
of a product as opposed to the useful life of a product?


My Mac SE [1987] still works. It runs PageMaker 2, maybe FreeHand, Illustrator, MacDraw, MacWrite, a few games; has a 20 MB HD, 4 MB RAM. Still works, not useful. My mobile phone is smarter. All 6 of our old Macs work, but none earlier than G4s are useful on a regular basis.

The Intel iMac [2007] runs Final Cut, Adobe/Macromedia suites, MS office, browsers, etc.--all at the same time. Has a 320 GB HD, 4 GB RAM. Very useful, but could use more memory. I expect it to be useful for another 3 or 4 years.

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