On Mar 31, 2010, at 2:40 PM, gerald slawecki wrote:
i own a domain site ppiusa.com, that i no longer use. someone seems to be interested in purchasing it, and has asked how much i want for it. how do i go about determining value? anyone have a feeling for value? i did not consider it to be a particularly special domain. i missed ppi.com by only a couple of months, and quit paying on ppiusa.net, and a bunch of others that i had registered that were named photoframe.XX or pictureframe.xx

Interesting problem. Anything over what you paid to registrars plus the time it will take you to transfer it will be pure profit to you. So you don't have to get that much to be ahead. If you insist that you have to squeeze every last penny out of the deal, you will assuredly end up unhappy no matter what you get. The idea that you could have got $1 more will gnaw at you. If you ask for too much they will walk and you get nothing.

Do you know anything about the buyer. Will this be a commercial website? A rich non-profit? A poor non-profit?

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