25 Mbps is $69 per month, with 125 Gb of download included and a surcharge per 
Gb after that.

50 Mbps is, I think $99 per month, with a limit of $175 G downloaded and a 
(smaller) per Gb surcharge afer that.

In both cases the surcharges for extra downloads are capped to a maximum of 
$50, so you could literally have truly "unlimited" for a max $119 and $149 per 
month respectively.

A lot of $$$, but the service has been pretty reliable for me, and is blazingly 
fast for a home service.

But cable service here is essentially a monopoly.


From: b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es>
Sent: Sat, April 3, 2010 11:44:19 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Broadband Speeds Map

> Can't speak for others, but I am on an account with Rogers Cable Systems in 
> Ontario that gets me consistently up to 25 Mbps speed. And there is an 
> account type that is one higher than that which tops out at 50.  Mind you it 
> doesn't;t come cheap but there it is.

How much does Rogers Cable charge or 25 and 50 Mbps service? In Canadian 

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