That is so absurdly expensive. The US is failing us. Broadband monopolies better be regulated soon, otherwise we're going to sink lower and lower.

In many places you can get 1Mbps for 1 euro. Here it's insanely higher, and not available many places, especially nowhere like here.


Does that include any Video, TV, phone?

25 Mbps is $69 per month, with 125 Gb of download included and a surcharge per Gb after that.

50 Mbps is, I think $99 per month, with a limit of $175 G downloaded and a (smaller) per Gb surcharge afer that.

In both cases the surcharges for extra downloads are capped to a maximum of $50, so you could literally have truly "unlimited" for a max $119 and $149 per month respectively.

A lot of $$$, but the service has been pretty reliable for me, and is blazingly fast for a home service.

But cable service here is essentially a monopoly.

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