Cory Doctorow is getting some heat among the mac faithful for this one.
Interesting read, two excerpts for your pleasure.
clearly there's a lot of thoughtfulness and smarts that went into the
design. But there's also a palpable contempt for the owner. I believe --
really believe -- in the stirring words of the Maker
if you can't open it, you don't own it. Screws not glue.*

*And let's look at the iStore. For a company whose CEO professes a hatred of
DRM, Apple sure has made DRM its alpha and omega. Having gotten into
business with the two industries that most believe that you shouldn't be
able to modify your hardware, load your own software on it, write software
for it, override instructions given to it by the mothership (the
entertainment industry and the phone companies), Apple has defined its
business around these principles. It uses DRM to control what can run on
your devices, which means that Apple's customers can't take their "iContent"
with them to competing devices, and Apple developers can't sell on their own
terms. *

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