I never said what Gizmodo did was correct, I"m just saying maybe Apple
should be a little less Inspector Javert and a little more Hardy Boys.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:40 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Apr 26, 2010, at 10:49 PM, mike wrote:
>> Hardly see that, considering the tactics Apple has used in the past if
>> they
>> were any other company they'd be lambasted in the press.  I'm sure somehow
>> they will come out squeaky on this one too.  If this were MS we'd be
>> hearing
>> the caterwauling till dawn.
> So you find that someone you know left their iPhone lying on the bar. You
> would...
> 1) Return it to them
> 2) Turn it in to the bar keeper
> 3) Leave it where you found it
> 4) Take it and sell it
> You advocate #4? And then you bellyache that the police investigation is
> "illegal"?
> Why am I not surprised?
> Is this is an example of the "land of the free" that neo-cons advocate?
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