That's why the murder rate in DC is one of the highest in the country.
Places where people walk around with guns is safer than those places who

I see you've devolved into 'no facts for you' mode and will now not answer
for any of your previous misstatements.  Just keep tossing it on the wall
and maybe some will stick.

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:46 AM, tjpa <> wrote:

> On Apr 29, 2010, at 8:56 AM, wrote:
>> Additionally, it was at first denied by the San Mateo Police that
>> Apple ever had any hand in the raid and search of the premises in
>> question.  We now know that to have been untrue, and a silly thing for
>> the authorities to have said in the first place.  At a minimum, Apple
>> would have had to have filed a theft report, and since Apple already
>> knew where the phone was alleged to be located, they would have
>> provided that information to police.  That is called having a hand in
>> the execution of the search.  I am not casting aspersions toward Apple
>> Corp. in this instance, but I do wonder why the San Mateo Police were
>> initially trying to hide the fact that Apple Corp. was involved in the
>> execution of the search.  Perhaps because Apple is a corporate partner
>> (consultant) with them?
> In my town the names of crime victims and witnesses are not given out by
> the police. We also do not let people walk around the streets with loaded
> guns or let anyone with a card table freely sell firearms. Probably much
> different in your town.
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