I hear some developers on various podcasts who have outfitted their cubicles
with dual or even triple 21 to 27" screens, this seems the ideal set up for
this kind of all day long pounding at the keyboard for intense work...15
inch laptop for writing code?  Torture.

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 6:09 AM, phartz...@gmail.com <phartz...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 2:38 AM, Constance Warner <cawar...@his.com>
> wrote:
> > At the present day, I just don't see itty-bitty machines with itty-bitty
> > screens taking the place of laptops or desktops for serious work, either
> in
> > the home or the office.
>   My brother works for a large, worldwide IT firm that does a lot of
> work for governments.  He codes all day long, working on databases.
> No one who does this work in their little cubicles is allowed anything
> other than a laptop fitted with nothing bigger than a 15 inch screen.
> No external keyboard either.  This is worker punishment, and my
> brother feels the exhaustion by the end of every work day.
> > Sure, kids like smartphones, and those iPads are just so cute; but
> they're
> > just not convenient to work on.  And consider this: a lot of us don't
> have
> > unlimited funds any more--in fact some of us are rather short on funds,
> > thanks to the Great Recession.  This means we have to choose carefully
> which
> > computer-type devices we buy and maintain.
>   It is not just kids who are gravitating to ever tinier devices that
> they use to do their computing.  I kniow of a number of adults, over
> 45 who have almost abandoned their traditional computers in favor of
> using an iPhone or something similar for just about everything.  What
> does that tell me?  The tells me that they were never doing anything
> "serious" with their desktop or laptop computer to begin with.  Their
> traditional computer was overwhelming and confusing and confounding
> them to begin with.  I cannot tell you how many times I have heard
> people say that they no interest whatsoever about how computers work
> and they also do not care.  All they want to do is be able to do a
> little click here or a little click there to get something done.
>  Steve
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