On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Constance Warner <cawar...@his.com> wrote:

> Well, a fifteen-inch laptop is still a far cry from an iPad--let alone an
> orignal Mac (or an Osborn).  I'm sorry your brother and his co-workers have
> to use a 15-inch laptop to code on all day; but here, we're getting into the
> issue of workers versus corporations, rather than consumer choice (of iPads
> and smartphones versus computers).
> And iPhones may be cool, but they're still much too expensive for a lot of
> people.  The mere fact that an iPhone does a lot of stuff does not give me
> (or anybody else) the money to buy one, or the wherewithal to pay the
> telephone bill.  This is serious money, folks; and for something that can't
> do a lot of everyday functions, like writing a book report or typing a
> letter.  It's really about how many people can afford a luxury item, like a
> smartphone or an iPad.  For a lot of us, the money just isn't there; and if
> it were, we would probably spend it on a more useful device, like a computer
> of some kind.  Or even on food and rent.

  Very salient points, Constance.


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