Phil Dibowitz wrote:
> Stephen Warren wrote:
>> I really don't like the static buffer used by get_key_name. ...
> I went back and forth on this myself. I don't like it on principal, but
> then again, libconcord also does this.
> They're not equivalent however... one involves working with more than
> one remote at a time, which is outside (at least the current) scope of
> LH. So the question is - do we want to support more than one file AT THE
> Given the current API you can in fact go through more than
> one file at a time. So being pragmatic, it's not so bad.

Oh, I guess looking at the implementation, get_key_name does check if
data is different to the last call (but not size, which it really should
check too), and reset the internal iterator state (XMLBuffer global
variable) if it changed.

Whilst that does allow client apps flexible use of the API, that
actually makes me like the implementation even less...

>> No reversing or random access allowed either; should be much simpler.
> So I guess the idea with this feature is being able to go "oh, damn, I
> hit the wrong button on the other remote and don't want to have to go
> back and redo the whole sequence." I like that.

At least in congruity, I will make the client application use
get_key_name to retrieve a list of all known key names into a Python
list, and then iterate back/forth within that. The advantage of this is
that I can display the entire list up-front on a page saying roughly
"this is what we'll do on the next pages, click next to start", and then
have the wizard walk over that list. It's much more efficient in this
case to parse the XML just once, and store the results, rather than
parse the XML once to display the list on the intro page, and again
whilst walking through the keys.

>> I'm not convinced that the Python bindings changes for "verbose" are the
>> correct way to go; they don't handle exceptions very well. It'd be best
>> if you removed the "verbose" part from the Python bindings, and I'll
>> work on a more automated and robust solution, and one that doesn't
>> require the host application to configure it, since I don't really want
>> to include that kind of debug logic in the production version of congruity.
> I didn't read through those changes, but I would say that seems
> reasonable to be able to enable debug in a production version so you can
> tell your users to do this when they report some problem you can't
> reproduce.

I'm not totally opposed to some verbose mechanism. I just don't want
congruity to have to trigger it, and the implementation needs some work too.

That said, even right now if any kind of problem occurs in, it'll throw an exception, and the full trace will be
available to a user to include with a bug-report via the congruity
details button on the failure page.

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