On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:32:28PM +0100, Michael Frase wrote:
> Sorry that I didn't answer earlier. But I was not at home for several
> weeks and wasn't able to check my private Mails.
> Now that I'm back again I have tried the patch with my harmony 555 and
> can confirm Simons experience! Firmware upgrade works now.
> Phil, do you need some more logs to check the details?

Nope. I know exactly what happend. For those that are interested...

In the 880s you write to "staging" area and then write the "magic finish byte"
to a special location and reboot. The remote than copies the firmware to the
proper location and updates its internal state.

With the 5xx, the space is much tighter, so instead of writing to a staging
area you overwrite the firmware directly (doing this in the 880 is dangerous,
but on the 5xx its designed to handle this). We were, however, not writing the
correct "magic finish byte" and upon rebooting it didn't *know* about the

However it was actually *using* the new firmware (we overwrote the old one!)
so when you dumped the firmware it matched the new firmware.

Writing a 2 instead of a 0 triggered the procedure and all is well.

Thanks to Stephen for the good eye.

Phil Dibowitz                             p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/                   http://www.ipom.com/

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