On 11/20/2011 04:59 AM, Brendan Grady wrote:
>> Yup - the thing I did first was what I expected was most important -
>> config update. Can you test that?
> Just started playing with concordance yesterday, so this may be a bit basic
> question.  Looking at the man page, looks like --write-config filename is
> what you are asking me to test.  Can you point me in the direction of how
> to create that file?  ( with --dump-config not working, I don't have an
> example )

You go to members.harmonyremote.com - all your configs will be there from
using the official software. Click "update remote" and it'll give you a config

> Sorry about the formatting of the last email, it was very hard to read.
> Not sure what happened to it as I wrote it in plain text mode.  Anyway,
> lsusb does in fact recognize the remote.

Ah, weird. Well, let me know if you get the same results with the new one.

Phil Dibowitz                             p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
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 - Dr. Seuss

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