On Mon, 29 Jul 2013, Phil Dibowitz wrote:

>> In preparation for supporting IR learning for ZWave, change the IRLearn()
>> function to be a subclass function for each so that IR learning can be
>> implemented and easily merged for each type separately.
> I'm totally fine with this. Out of curiosity though, do you actually expect
> there to be much of a difference? Since you can call Read() and Write() and
> have them do the right thing, I would imagine they'd be roughly the same...
> but if you've started digging and say they're likely to be pretty divergent,
> we can go this path. If, however, it's the case where there's just one extra
> step on one side or the other, it might be nice to keep them in one place...

Yes, I've started looking at this a bit and I think they are going to be 
fairly different implementations (especially with the whole UDP vs TCP
mode of ZWave-HID and switching between the two).

I actually started working on the USBNet version quite a while back, but I 
didn't get it working yet, and I have fairly limited access to that 

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