On Wed, 2016-10-19 at 20:14 -0400, Scott Talbert wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Oct 2016, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > Running mhgui from the latest release or master I cannot add the
> > remote, because the way the serial numbers are exposed has changed
> (I
> > get a python trace back about trying to + to NoneType's).
> >
> > I saw in the archives a reference to using the harmony_touch
> branch,
> > which solves the serial issue. I tried it and got some wxWidgets
> errors
> > but by cherrypicking the wxWidget 3.0 support from master I got
> past
> > that and now I am getting 404 errors so I guess this branch has
> bit-
> > rotted vs the website?
> Yes, the harmony_touch branch has been bitrotting for a while as the 
> person who was testing it vanished.  I could probably merge some of the 
> stuff (like the serial number fix) to master.

That would be great IMHO.

> Now that you got your remote added, you could try going back to master and 
> see if that works.

I haven't been able to add the remote unfortunately.

> > Is there any hope or shall I try and find a cheap windows laptop on
> > ebay?
> Honestly, it probably isn't likely to work completely as no one has tested 
> with a Harmony Ultimate One before.  You would probably need to do some 
> data capturing with the Windows app.

Thanks, sounds like I should go and find myself a Windows somewhere
then. I'll ask about data capture when I have it going somewhat.

> > OOI what modern/available harmony remote should I have gotten
> > instead?Is the 650 is well supported (although a little less functional
> > than the 785).
> The 650 has OK support.  MHGUI doesn't support editing favorite channels 
> with it though, see this ticket:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/congruity/issues/37/

Thanks, might get one of these as a backstop too...


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