
j'ai installe les rpm pour LM 7.2 suivant :

rpm -ivh hylafax-4.1-0.3mdk.i586.rpm
hylafax                     ##################################################

# rpm -ivh hylafax-client-4.1-0.3mdk.i586.rpm
file /usr/bin/faxrm from install of hylafax-client-4.1-0.3mdk conflicts with 
file from package mgetty-sendfax-1.1.22-2mdk
file /usr/share/man/man1/faxrm.1.bz2 from install of 
hylafax-client-4.1-0.3mdk conflicts with file from package 

# rpm -qa |grep sendfax

# rpm -e mgetty-sendfax-1.1.22-2mdk
cannot remove /var/spool/fax - directory not empty

# rpm -ivh hylafax-client-4.1-0.3mdk.i586.rpm
hylafax-client              ##################################################

Setup program for HylaFAX (tm) 4.1beta2.

Created for i686-pc-linux on Tue Oct  3 20:12:07 CEST 2000.

Checking system for proper client configuration.

Done verifying system setup.

# cd etc/rc.d/init.d
# ./hylafax start

# ps -e
25154 ?        00:00:00 hfaxd  

ok, il semble que le daemon de hylafax fonctionne, mais comment configurer 
mon modem et envoyer un fax ?

Merci !


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