Title: NYTimes.com Article: The Vote Must Go On
I just noticed that Secretary of State Kevin Shelly has decided to seek appeal to the en banc panel.  I'm not surprised, as I think he knows that if he didn't he could likely face recall himself.
I do wonder if his placing the propositions on the ballot was a calculated move to force this sort of controversy in the first place.
-----Original Message-----
From: Howard Gillman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com Article: The Vote Must Go On

I'm not in favor of the delay, but that's mostly because I don't take seriously the decision in Bush v. Gore.  However, if one believes in the unbearable rightness of that decision, then I don't see how the free speech interests mentioned by Ackerman matter all that much.  If a court determined that an upcoming special election was being structured in a way that admittedly infringed on minority voting rights (in more traditionally recognized ways), would the free speech rights of candidates weigh against relief?  On Ackerman's free speech theory, it would hard to imagine any circumstance where a scheduled election could be postponed on the grounds that it was constitutionally deficient.  HG


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Subject: NYTimes.com Article: The Vote Must Go On

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Here's Bruce Ackerman's op-ed on the recall case; thought people might find it interesting.


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The Vote Must Go On

September 17, 2003


The federal appeals court order delaying the recall
election in California cites the Supreme Court's decision
in Bush v. Gore more than a dozen times. It is undeniable
that California's recall election, which will use
punch-card voting systems, has the potential to become
another voting fiasco replete with hanging chads and
changing standards. But this is not nearly enough to make
it a legal rerun of Bush v. Gore.

For starters, in 2000 the Supreme Court intervened only
after the election. Its decision came too late to distort
the actual conduct of the election campaign. In the run-up
to November, George Bush and Al Gore shaped their political
appeals to the voters in blissful ignorance of the crisis
ahead. The court was thus able to focus on the question of
equal protection in the recount without worrying about its
decision's impact on crucial constitutional values of
political speech.

This time around, the candidates in California have already
invested heavily in a short campaign. Their competing
strategies have been designed to reach a climax on the Oct.
7 election date. If they had known they would have to
compete until March, they would have conducted their
campaigns very differently. By suddenly changing the finish
line, the three-judge panel of the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit disrupts the core First
Amendment freedom to present a coherent political message
to voters.

Worse yet, the decision disrupts the First Amendment
interests of the millions of Californians who have
participated in the recall effort. State law promised them
a quick election if they completed their petitions by an
August deadline. Now their effort will have to compete in
March with the candidates for the Democratic presidential
nomination. A campaign focused on California issues may be
swamped by national politics.

All of these concerns make the present case far more
complex than Bush v. Gore. Three years ago, the Supreme
Court had the luxury of focusing narrowly on the vote count
and the extent to which it violated principles of equal
protection. In contrast, the appeals court was also obliged
to place the First Amendment freedoms of the candidates and
the public into the balance. Unfortunately, the court's
opinion doesn't even recognize the existence of this
constitutional problem.

The decision departs from Bush v. Gore in a second way.
When the Supreme Court stopped the recount, Florida's time
was running out. Continuing the recount increased the risk
that its electoral vote would be challenged in Washington
when Congress counted all the electoral ballots. Whatever
its other merits or demerits, the court's intervention
protected the right of each state to make its voice heard
in selecting the president.

In contrast, the present decision attacks states' rights at
their very core. The short election period is central to
California's political integrity. Its constitution places a
limit of six months on this extraordinary process. By
extending the election beyond this period, the court
condemns the state to an extended period of political

While California's punch cards are obsolete, they have
worked well enough for decades. And while there is a chance
of fiasco this time, there is a certainty of a widespread
disruption of precious First Amendment freedoms. Instead of
delaying the vote, the court should have focused on more
concrete problems. For example, it could have ordered the
state to open more polling places in heavily minority

There is one consolation. The panel stayed its decision for
a week to allow for reconsideration, either by the full
Ninth Circuit or the Supreme Court. In either case, the
court should make it plain that Bush v. Gore is not an
invitation for an endless series of judicial interventions
into the very heart of our political life.

Bruce Ackerman, professor of law and political science at
Yale, is editor of ``Bush v. Gore: The Question of




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