The article is on its way.

I am sending attached with this email some information about my book of
stories from free speech history.  They show development of a strong
free speech tradition outside of the courts and show many basic free
speech ideas had a long heritage in popular discussion before the
Supreme Court adopted them.

I use selected chapters from this book in my free speech and
legal history classes--e.g. the chapters on the Sedition Act; on
Lovejoy; on Helper-Worth and the free speech background of the 14th
Amendment; & the ones on Lincoln, Vallandigham, and anti-war speech
during the Civil War.  If you have a colleague who might be interested
you might pass the information on to her or to him.  Thanks for
asking for the Bingham piece.

best wishes,


Scott Gerber wrote:

> See also David A.J. Richards, CONSCIENCE AND THE CONSTITUTION (making the
> connection between the 14th amendment and the Declaration of Independence).
> At 10:58 PM 9/23/03 -0400, you wrote:
> >To the list of correctives on 14th Am history, we should add Brandwein,
> RECONSTRUCTING RECONSTRUCTION, a rather fascinating example of how
> reconstruction has been historically understood.  R.  Kennedy also has a
> nice essay on this somewhere.
> >
> >MAG
> >
> **********
> Scott Gerber
> Law College
> Ohio Northern University
> Ada, OH 45810
> 419-772-2219

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