Any "consensus" on the name change? I am okay with either name. ACF should be fine. Presumably the nominal name change is contingent on its project status as no longer incubating under Lucene?

-- Jack Krupansky

From: "Grant Ingersoll" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 5:19 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Project status and name

I'd leave it open for another day or two.


On Aug 10, 2010, at 2:16 PM, <> <> wrote:

Shall we call a vote on the name change? Or should we leave the floor open for other proposals for a while?


-----Original Message-----
From: ext Grant Ingersoll []
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: Project status and name

On Aug 10, 2010, at 8:05 AM, <> <> wrote:


Lucene Connectors Framework is currently an incubating subproject of Lucene. The PMC has indicated that it's not thrilled with the idea of LCF being a subproject,

Minor clarification: The PMC hasn't said no at this point, but it also hasn't been discussed. Given some of the recent restructuring, I was merely speculating privately to Karl that it likely would not accept it, but that is not anything official. Not that it needs to be decided now anyway.

FWIW, the Board isn't usually happy w/ PMC's that are umbrella projects, with separate SVN, JIRA, etc. See the discussions in the archives around Mahout, Nutch, Lucy and Tika. When LCF was brought into incubation, there wasn't as much of a concern as there is now, so it is not that LCF did anything wrong. Besides, LCF is really independent of Lucene and useful w/o connecting to search and should have it's own management anyway.

and that its status should change at some point in the future. Note that this status change would be theoretically independent of the project name, but potentially we'd consider changing the project name at that time as well.

There's beginning to be a considerable amount of content floating around that talks about LCF. If there is a possibility of a name change for this project, I'd like to open the discussion as to whether we should change the name, and if so, what to.

FWIW, the only other possibility I've heard mentioned so far is "Apache Connectors Framework".

I think this works well and abbreviates nicely to ACF (of course, I was the one who suggested it, so I'm biased). Note, there is no reason it can't be called the Lucene Connectors Framework, but that might pigeonhole it such that people think it only works with Lucene, which simply isn't true.

I agree, we should do this change sooner rather than later, if it is going to be done.


Grant Ingersoll

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