I am having a look at the connectors. At the moment to my opinion the
classes for (all) connectors are to big. This is partly due to the way the
interfaces are structured and partly due to the implementation of html in
java. For example the RssConnector now has almost 6000 lines of code and the
JdbcConnector has almost 2000 lines of code. To my opinion this can be
improved by making separate components for presenting and configuring the
connectors in the crawler-ui web project and for the part needed by the
runner. Abstracting the html from the actual classes can help a lot as well.
Maybe some utility methods to make creating these html pages easier is nice
as well.

I am willing to investigate this path further, but I'd like to have ideas of
other developers. It would be nice to know if others feel like this can be
improved as well.

It might be interesting to look at a technique like wicket for the ui part.
Than you can package the html code together with the java code in one jar.
No difficult repackaging is required and you can still create nice
interfaces. I also read that others want to have a look at something like
velocity, of course that can be a valid option as well.

So what is your opinions about it?


Jettro Coenradie

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