I suggest that it might be a good idea for you to create a JIRA ticket
to describe your work, and create a branch based on the JIRA ticket to
work in.  That way all of us can provide feedback about the changes
you are making, and it will make your development smoother.

For example, if the JIRA ticket you create is CONNECTORS-247, then the
branch would be created by:

svn -m "Create branch for CONNECTORS-247" copy

When you are done it should be straightforward to merge your changes
into trunk.  What do you think?


On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Shinichiro Abe
<shinichiro.ab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I will. I 'll provide my patch for the next 0.4.
> In my opinion, we should release 0.3 earlier.
> For, there are not only new features but also bug fixes since 0.2.
> I would like to write my code by Sept 1, but maybe it will take time until
> being committed formally.If I complete the patch quickly, I'll let you know.
> Thank you,
> Shinichiro Abe
> by Sept 1
> On 2011/08/22, at 19:01, Karl Wright wrote:
>> If you are not planning to be ready by Sept 1 or so, would you just
>> prefer to wait for the next release?  I am sure we will have one in
>> another 3-6 months after 0.3-incubating.  We might even be ready to
>> graduate from the incubator by that point, and call that release 1.0.
>> Karl
>> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Shinichiro Abe
>> <shinichiro.ab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> +1 for Next ManifoldCF release.
>>>>  will he instead be making modifications to the
>>>> existing Solr connector?
>>> I will. This is modifications.
>>> The design is that it replaces httpposter to 
>>> solrindexer(EmbeddedSolrServer) in solr connector.
>>> It will provide a switch on solr connection. httppost or createindexdata.
>>> And it will put solr conf and solr data on MCF side.
>>> The purpose of this is that it prevents configuration files from being 
>>> changed while posting.
>>> And it can keep the consistency between conf and data.
>>> Though I want to write as soon as possible, I just have started to write.
>>> Regards,
>>> Shinichiro Abe
>>> On 2011/08/18, at 0:14, Karl Wright wrote:
>>>> I think that should be OK, as long as the connector is really solid
>>>> and doesn't need a lot of follow-up work.  Will it be structured as a
>>>> whole new connector, or will he instead be making modifications to the
>>>> existing Solr connector?
>>>> Karl
>>>> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Koji Sekiguchi <k...@r.email.ne.jp> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think Abe-san would like to push Embedded version of solr output 
>>>>> connecter
>>>>> that he is trying to write now. The patch should be public in a week or 
>>>>> so.
>>>>> koji
>>>>> --
>>>>> Check out "Query Log Visualizer"
>>>>> http://www.rondhuit-demo.com/loganalyzer/loganalyzer.html
>>>>> http://www.rondhuit.com/en/
>>>>> (11/08/17 19:08), Karl Wright wrote:
>>>>>> I'd like to propose working towards the next ManifoldCF official
>>>>>> release, 0.3-incubating, somewhere around September 15.  This release
>>>>>> would include major new features, such as the CMIS connector, the
>>>>>> client scripting language, and (hopefully) the OpenSearchServer
>>>>>> connector (if it is ready by then).  This is in addition to the dozens
>>>>>> or hundreds of other fixes and changes already committed to trunk.
>>>>>> Please let me know your thoughts.
>>>>>> Karl

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