
Can anyone recommend a set of configure arguments such that I can build
ConnMan from git and run it on my workstation without it blatting
whatever connections are in place and stopping NetworkManager from

I had a set up which worked and enabled me to do basic smoke testing but
something has changed recently and now when I run "connmand -n -d" I can
no longer resolve names on existing connections set up with NM.

FWIW I'm running latest git on an up-to-date F11 box built with the
following configure arguments:

./configure --enable-maintainer-mode \
--enable-debug \
--prefix=/usr \
--mandir=/usr/share/man \
--localstatedir=/var \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--disable-datafiles \
--enable-wifi=builtin \
--enable-bluetooth=builtin \
--enable-modemmgr=builtin \
--enable-mbm=builtin \
--enable-ppp \
--enable-client $*

Looking forward to the day ConnMan has nice VPN support so I can be rid
of NM.

Joshua Lock
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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