Hi Lucas,

> > So right now ConnMan only gives you the current list of available
> > services. We believe that overloading the UI with information about
> > other services that are currently not available is not needed. It is in
> Here I disagree (see below).
> > Anyhow, we have been discussing this a while back. And in theory we
> > could export a FavoriteServices list similar to our Services list, but
> > that would also contain known services that are not in range.
> >
> I was thinking in adding an interface to expose the list of known
> services. Suppose the following use case: somebody calls you informing
> that the password of network X, which is not in range, has changed.
> With the current interfaces, it's not possible to change it and you'll
> have to write down somewhere and change the password only when the
> network is in range again. Possibly, a long time after. And most
> likely you'll have forgotten where you wrote the new password.
> If you take android as example, it has all the networks in range on
> top of the other known networks. And it's possible to edit the details
> of any service.

I know that Android is doing this, but really the usefulness in a mobile
device is questionable. As I said I am not strictly against this. So
feel free to work on support for it.



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